Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Early Christmas Decor Ideas - Your Front Entrance

First off, I have to apologize for my long hiatus. I could go into the descriptive details, but it basically comes down to this - life happens and here we are. Big things have happened - I am engaged to the most wonderful person I know and we have built a beautiful house that I am incredibly proud of (pictures will come soon!). I am planning to not having a massive blog break again - I'd like to get my blog back up and running the way it previously was! Let's see how I do!

SO. We need to get this blog train back on its tracks - I have decided that in honour of it being November 5, I would like to do a pre-Christmas post. You can complain all you like, but I wanted to blog about something that means a lot to me. Christmas means a lot to me. Also - if I wait too long to do Christmas posts, there isn't enough time for you all to execute some awesome Christmas ideas. So really I'm doing you a favour. You're welcome.

I hope this makes all the Christmas lovers smile and all the "it can't seriously be Christmas yet" talkers appreciate the wonderful awesomeness that Christmas has to offer.

Whether your style is traditional, contemporary, or somewhere in between, the front entrance of your home has a huge impact on visitors, friends&family, or the post man dropping of your mail everyday. It's the first impression someone has before entering your home - celebrate Christmas with style by accentuating your home's most complimentary features! Check out the images below and see if you're inspired to decorate in a way that will work best for your home!

There are more posts to come! Stay tuned!